The Girl in Tails

Flickan in frack / The Girl in Tails / Mädchen im Frack

Retrospektive, Sweden 1926, 103 Min., silent, sw. it, engl. st

Katja is the Cinderella of the family. Her brother Curry can buy a new suit whenever he pleases. But Katja’s father refuses to pay for a new evening dress when she spurs her admirer Ludwig to mount a ball after passing his exams with her help. Necessity being the mother of invention, Katja turns to Curry‘s closet and dons his tails for the festive event. A girl in tails triggers a scandal among the café society of the “big small town” of Wadköping … Director Karin Swanström uses humour to tackle topics such as conformity and diversity, feminism and gender roles, tradition and innovation. Because in this “light as air” comedy, it is not just the young heroine who questions old-school sex roles. In addition to a single father, Wadköping is home to an unmarried matriarch, played in a turn of irony by the director herself, and a group described as a “wild herd of learned women” living together, who manage just fine without men. – Live musical accompaniment from Lina Gronemeyer, clarinet, and Frederik Sturm, piano.

Director Karin Swanström

Screenplay Hjalmar Bergman, Ivar Johansson, nach dem Roman von Hjalmar Bergman

Production Company

AB Biografernas Filmdepot, Stockholm

Festival Contact

Swedish Film Institute, Borgvaegen 1-5, 10525 Stockholm, Mail:, Web:

Cast Magda Holm (Katja Kock), Georg Blomstedt (Starck), Einar Axelsson (Ludwig von Battwhyl), Karin Swanström (Hyltenius), Nils Arehn (Kock), Erik Zetterström (Curry Kock)

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05.11.2022 19:15 Stadthalle Hall 4