

Starting autumn of 2023, the Nordic Film Days will award two grants for German-language script development. One will go to an established writer for a new theatrical film project, and one will go to a writer with a Lübeck connection for an open-format visual story for any platform (i.e. series, VR experience, 360° Fulldome). The grants, of € 35,000 each, are funded by the Possehl Foundation for an initial period of three years. In addition to the grant, the foundation will also provide the recipients with individualised advice, including script counselling, as well as residency, research, and networking opportunities in Lübeck and at the Nordic Film Days festival. The recipients will be chosen by an independent jury based on their script proposals. Applications will open in the spring of 2023 and the first nominees will be announced at the opening of the 65th Nordic Film Days on November 1, 2023.

The grant recipients will be hosted by the Nordic Film Days Lübeck, in cooperation with the non-profits Kino Koki repertory cinema and the Waldzimmer cultural association, as well as the Lübeck municipal library. The process is marked by the fact that it will be selectively open to the city’s public. Anyone who is interested can attend workshop discussions, curated film series, and script readings, participating directly in the creative process. The recipients will also be actively networked with local filmmakers and players in the cultural scene.

Beginning on May 2, 2023, writers can submit an exposé for consideration.  The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2023. A three-person jury will select the two projects and the recipients will be announced on November 1, 2023, on opening night of the 65th Nordic Film Days.

More information about the scholarship and participation here (German only)