Fools in the Mountains

Fjols til Fjells / Fools in the Mountains / Gaga im Gebirge

Retrospektive, Norway 1957, 96 Min., norw. OV, engl. st

Hotel manager Poppe seems to have a mind of his own, so Grundberg, the absentee director, sends his daughter Ruth to the Hurlumhei ski hotel to check if everything is in order. Disguised as a bellhop and introducing herself as Rudolf, Ruth gets to know Poppe and sees for herself that the man is rather overwhelmed – both by his job and his nerves. When not only the film star Teddy Winter checks in, but also the actor’s nameless doppelganger, it is the final blow to Poppe’s grip on the situation … This tumultuous mistaken identity comedy showcases a brilliant Unni Bernhoft (guest at the 2014 NFL) in the classic breeches role of Ruth/Rudolf. Hapless receptionist Poppe is embodied by Leif Juster, Norway’s answer to Germany’s famed character actor Theo Lingen. The arrival of the “young man” brings Poppe to new heights of hysteria, no doubt due to the confusing allure s/he exerts over the confirmed bachelor. Liv Ullmann makes her first-ever screen appearance, as a guest at the out-of-whack hotel in the winter wonderland.

Director Edith Carlmar

Screenplay Otto Carlmar, nach dem Lustspiel „Bare jatt me'n“ von Sverre Bævre, Bias Bernhoft, Gösta Stevens

Producer Otto Carlmar

Production Company

Carlmar Film AS

Festival Contact

National Library of Norway, Henrik Ibsens gate 110, 0203 Oslo, Mail:, Web:

Cast Leif Juster (Poppe), Unni Bernhoft (Ruth/Rudolf), Frank Robert (Teddy Winter/Ornithologe), Anne Lise Wang (Mona Miller), Anne Lise Christiansen (Eva Sommer), Liv Ullman (Hotelgast)


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04.11.2022 13:15 Stadthalle Hall 4