

Narrative Features, Denmark 2023, 102 Min., dan. OV, engl. st

Stine and Teit want to spend a year living in a secluded forest house in Sweden with their young son. The Danish couple intend to find themselves and to get creative. She plans to write a novel; he wants to develop a podcast about life in solitude. But their self-realisation does not go according to plan. Stine and Teit are caught up in old conflicts and relationship problems. In her directorial debut, Karoline Lyngbye very skilfully uses mirroring as a narrative element. The characters encounter their reflections in the large windows of the house and on the surface of the lake. Their constant confrontation with their own selves is heightened by a discovery: A couple who look exactly like Stine and Teit live in an identical-looking house on the other shore – except they don't have a son. The film becomes a psychological thriller: the doppelganger motif directs inner tensions outwards; a lifestyle reflects and dissects itself.

Director Karoline Lyngbye

Producer Amalie Lyngbo Quist

Production Company

BEO Starling, Beo Starling (Amalie Lyngbo Quist, 1408 Copenhagen K, Web:

Cast Marie Bach Hansen (Stine), Mikkel Boe Følsgaard (Teit), Mihlo Olsen (Nemo)

Premiere Deutsche Premiere


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02.11.2023 13:30 Stadthalle Hall 3
03.11.2023 16:00 Stadthalle Hall 5
04.11.2023 19:30 Kolosseum
05.11.2023 16:30 Kolosseum