Prelude Op. 28 No. 2

Preludi Op. 28 Nro 2 / Prelude Op. 28 No. 2

Nordic Shorts, Finland 2022, 8 Min., no dialogue

Focused, she strikes the keys of the piano, her expression fluctuating between uncertainty and sheer terror. A second woman, poised and reproachful, is breathing down her neck until the notes fade away – and unexpectedly return. With sweeping movements, the camera masterfully stages the oscillations between playing and listening, and between the affective intensity of two antagonistic faces.

Director Jenni Toikka

Screenplay Jenni Toikka

Producer Jenni Toikka

World Sales

AV-ARKKI The Centre for Finnish Media Art, Tallberginkatu 1 C 76, 00180 Helsinki, Web:

Cast Meri Nenonen, Seidi Haarla


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03.11.2022 22:15 Stadthalle Hall 1
04.11.2022 11:30 Filmhaus Hall 1