
Vanskabte Land / Volaða land / Godland

Narrative Features, Denmark / Iceland / France / Sweden 2022, 143 Min., dan., icel. OV, engl. st

At the end of the 19th century, the young Danish priest Lucas is sent to Iceland. He is supposed to build a church in an isolated settlement on the rugged island. He hires a small retinue of locals for the arduous, not exactly unperilous journey. Lucas's luggage includes a large wooden cross and his photographic equipment. Whenever the pastor sets up his camera, he is forced to realise that he is ultimately unable to get a picture of either the country or its inhabitants because both the people and nature shun him. Furthermore, his ignorance of the Icelandic language leads to complications. The deeper he penetrates into the vast, untouched landscape, the more he goes astray from his mission and stops acting in accordance with the principles of his faith. Arriving at his destination, Lucas seems to completely lose his moral equilibrium. Amid a landscape occupied by myths and fairy-tales, the wooden cross comes across as nothing but absurd.

Director Hlynur Pálmason

Screenplay Hlynur Pálmason

Producer Katrin Pors, Anton Máni Svansson, Eva Jakobsen, Mikkel Jersin

Production Company

Snowglobe ApS, Refshalevej 157 A - Stuen, 1432 Copenhagen K, Mail: info@snowglobefilm.com, Web: www.snowglobefilm.com

World Sales

New Europe Film Sales, Czerniakowska 73/79, 00-718 Warschau, Mail: festivals@neweuropefilmsales.com, Web: www.neweuropefilmsales.com

Cast Elliott Crosset Hove (Lucas), Ingvar Sigurðsson (Ragnar), Vic Carmen Sonne (Anna), Jacob Hauberg Lohmann (Carl), Ída Mekkín Hlynsdóttir (Ida), Waage Sandø (Vincent), Hilmar Guðjónsson (Übersetzer)

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03.11.2022 13:00 Stadthalle Hall 5
04.11.2022 19:30 Kolosseum
05.11.2022 10:30 Stadthalle Hall 3
06.11.2022 16:00 Stadthalle Hall 5