

Nordic Shorts, Denmark / Iceland 2022, 22 Min., icel. OV, engl. st

A static shot of a utility pole in a barren landscape. In ever-changing elliptical cuts, the narrative is the sum of dissolved fragments of what is visible with the passing of time. The imagery jumps from day to night, from summer to winter, from storm to sunshine, to reveal the child-like toil and pleasure of slowly building a nest. Something that lasts.

Director Hlynur Pálmason

Screenplay Hlynur Pálmason

Producer Katrin Pors, Anton Máni Svansson, Eva Jakobsen, Mikkel Jersin

Production Company

Snowglobe ApS, Refshalevej 157 A - Stuen, 1432 Copenhagen K, Mail:, Web:

World Sales

New Europe Film Sales, Czerniakowska 73/79, 00-718 Warschau, Mail:, Web:

Cast Ída Mekkín Hlynsdóttir, Grímur Hlynsson, Þorgils Hlynsson

Catalogue Page PDF-Download


03.11.2022 16:00 Kino Koki
04.11.2022 22:15 Stadthalle Hall 1