Golden Land

Kultainen maa / Golden Land

Documentary Films, Finland / Norway / Sweden 2022, 82 Min., somali, finn., engl. OV, engl. st

Mustafe Hassan was six when his family fled civil war in the 1990s and came to Finland. When it turns out that his ancestral land in Somalia is rich in gold, copper, and cobalt, he decides to move back with his own family. With a warm heart, patience, and idealism, he sets about independently extracting the treasure from the ground, in hopes of improving the situation in his homeland – instead of leaving it to profit-hungry Chinese investors. What starts as an exciting adventure turns into a difficult and protracted challenge. Chasing his dream, Mustafe steadfastly battles a frustrating maze of bureaucracy. His children, who grew up in Europe, have the reverse experience of their parents as strangers in a strange land. The concepts of homeland and belonging prove to be webs of ambivalence with bright and shadowy sides. With courage, yearning, and love, the family confronts the discomfiture of a new beginning between two cultural identities.

Director Inka Achté

Screenplay Inka Achté, Hanna Karppinen

Producer Liisa Karpo

Production Company

Napafilms Oy, Pursimiehenkatu 29-31 B, 00150 Helsinki, Mail:, Web:

World Sales

CAT&Docs, 18, rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris, Mail:, Web:

Festival Contact

The Finnish Film Foundation (SES), Kanavakatu 12, 00160 Helsinki, Mail:, Web:

Cast Mustafe Hassan, Najah Hassan Mahamed, Abdirahman Mustafe, Intisaar Mustafe, Jasmin Mustafe, Ikhlaas Mustafe, Aisha Musatafe, Päivi Maula, Uolevi Tikkanen

Premiere Deutsche Premiere


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04.11.2022 13:45 Stadthalle Hall 6
05.11.2022 22:45 Stadthalle Hall 6