Ruthless Times – Songs of Care

Armotonta menoa – Hoivatyön lauluja / Ruthless Times – Songs of Care

Documentary Films, Finland 2022, 92 Min., finn. OV, engl. st

Human beings can only assert themselves through communal song. The camera pans elegiacally across the tableau vivant of the exhausted faces of care workers. "We are dead tired", they sing in chorus. The old people fall in, stoic and dispassionate: "A dignified death is too expensive". Welcome to the brave new world of privatisation and the digital revolution – still sold as "smart" – which streamlines life, work, dying, and death in equal measure into manageable data, free of any and all corporeality or individual suffering. That template has taken over the Finnish elder care system, although the robot roaming the corridors of the retirement home seems more to embody infantilisation than progress. Profit maximisation and efficiency, for the satisfaction of faceless shareholders and investors, set the pace. A world in which humanity slips more and more out of focus, and in which caretakers like Tiina, who has decried its shortcomings for years, doubt the system but nevertheless trudge indefatigably onwards.

Director Susanna Helke

Producer Timo Korhonen

Production Company

Road Movies Oy, Poutamäentie 14 F 63, 00360 Helsinki

World Sales

Raina Film Festival Distribution, Punatulkuntie 3 A 3, 00730 Helsinki, Mail:, Web:

Festival Contact

The Finnish Film Foundation (SES), Kanavakatu 12, 00160 Helsinki, Mail:, Web:

Cast Sepi Kumpulainen, Marja Vaarama, Tiina Mollberg, Väinö Lipponen, Väinö Martikainen

Premiere Deutsche Premiere


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04.11.2022 22:45 Stadthalle Hall 6
06.11.2022 19:45 Stadthalle Hall 6