Luminar #52

Luminar #52

Immersion 360°, Denmark / USA 1928, 16 Min., no dialogue

With his equipment, light artist Thomas Wilfred (1889–1968), born in Denmark, created a new form of art at the intersection of technology and modern art. His lumia compositions – meditative, colourful echoes of the northern lights – that he displayed in silence, without musical accompaniment, were shown in 1952 at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Luminar #52, one of Wilfred’s first constructions, was a Clavilux – a colour organ – with an aluminium housing. An electric motor drives a 500-watt lamp and two coloured glass wheels. On the top of the device is a reflective cone that produces distortion and shapes the light as it is projected onto the ceiling. Nine of the Luminars were made in 1928, of which three survive. “Luminar #52” has been adapted to be experienced in the Dome.

Director Thomas Wilfred

Production Company

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03.11.2022 18:30 InfinityDome
04.11.2022 19:30 InfinityDome
06.11.2022 17:45 InfinityDome