

Immersion 360°, Germany 2023, 23 Min., ger./engl. OV

In the near future, a powerful corporation has taken control of Earth’s most valuable resource, water. Eve and Max are willing to risk everything to bring the truth to light and save humanity. That’s when Kira comes to their rescue. But who or what is Kira? What is real in a world where the boundaries between reality and technology start to blur?

Director Peter Popp, Martin Sambauer

Producer Peter Popp

Production Company

SOFTMACHINE Immersive Productions, Rambergstr. 5, 80799 München, Mail:, Web:

Cast Jordan Whitby, Ella Starbuck, Hannah Knight, Crispian Rochfort Belfrage Stunts: Mateusz Bakarski, Madeline Madzia Page-Ulmer

Premiere Weltpremiere

Catalogue Page PDF-Download


02.11.2023 20:15 Fulldome
03.11.2023 16:45 Fulldome
04.11.2023 18:00 Fulldome