Drones of the Deep - multimedia presentation by Tom Kwasnitschka

Drones of the Deep / Drones of the Deep - multimedia presentation by Tom Kwasnitschka / Ein Spaziergang auf dem Meeresgrund – Multimedialer Vortrag von Tom Kwasnitschka

Immersion 360°, Germany 2023, 45 Min., ger. OV

Almost three-quarters of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, hidden from our eyes. Because researching the oceans’ depths is dangerous, diving robots are sent into the world’s oceans, including from Kiel. Tom Kwasnitschka embarks on a journey to some undersea areas and uses visualizations to show the geological processes that shape our planet.

Admission is free. Seats according to availability.

Cast Vortrag: Tom Kwasnitschka

Premiere keine Premiere

Catalogue Page PDF-Download


03.11.2023 15:15 Fulldome