The Mystery of Lost Socks

Kadunud sokid / The Mystery of Lost Socks

Young Audience, Estonia 2023, 20 Min., eston. OV, engl. st, ger. voice over, 10 years and older

Pille's papa's socks have disappeared again. The clever girl quickly tracks them down in the endless expanse under his bed. The pair of socks has hidden there for a good reason. They've laid a sock egg! To let the chick hatch in peace, Pille has to protect the nest: from impatient parents, from the playful cat, and from the voracious robot vacuum.

Director Oskar Lehemaa

Producer Kristel Toldsepp

Production Company

A Film Eesti OÜ, Toompuiestee 30, 10149 Tallinn, Mail:, Web:

Cast Vega-Freya Luus, Jan Uuspõld, Priit Pius, Liis Remmel

Premiere keine Premiere

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03.11.2023 16:15 Stadthalle Hall 1
04.11.2023 13:15 Stadthalle Hall 1