
Murtuma / Prelude

Nordic Shorts, Finland 2023, 19 Min., finn. OV, engl. st

A pleasant evening in the family living room, where everyone is sitting together and listening attentively to the singing of the teenage son as he rehearses for a performance the next day. The idyll is interrupted by the angry father of a classmate who appears at the front door. He confronts the mother with an unbelievable truth about her son. An intense drama about families, façade, and morality.

Director Arman Zafari

Screenplay Veikko Timonen

Producer Sakri Arkimies, Aleksi Pulkkinen

Production Company

AALTO UNIVERSITY School of Arts, Design and Architecture ELO Film School Helsinki Film Festival Office, Hämeentie 135 C, 00560 Helsinki, Web:

Cast Seidi Haarla (Helena), Tommi Korpela (Jyrki), Oscar Steidle (Jesse), Milo Snellman

Premiere Deutsche Premiere

Catalogue Page PDF-Download


02.11.2023 22:15 Stadthalle Hall 1
03.11.2023 12:30 Kino Koki
05.11.2023 10:00 Kino Koki