XR Pitch Battle 2023


Donnerstag, 2.11.2023


15:00 Uhr


InfinityDome, Am Klingenberg, 23552 Lübeck und digital auf Zoom

Off to virtual reality: In the last few weeks, XR developers from all over Europe were invited to submit their ideas for an artistic and/or narrative XR project to the MOIN film fund. In this hybrid live event, up to six selected participants will present their project ideas in a 5-minute pitch in front of an audience and the jury.

The audience is invited to follow live at the InfinityDome of the Nordic Film Days or digitally on Zoom. The award for the best project is up to 10,000 euros in funding! The event will be held in English.

Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023, 3 pm

InfinityDome, Am Klingenberg, 23552 Lübeck and on Zoom

Please register to participate, either on site or on Zoom: bekasinski@moin-filmfoerderung.de

An event of the MOIN Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein

For further information:
