The Man From Sysmä

Sysmäläinen / The Man From Sysmä / Ein Mann von Sysmä

Retrospektive, Finland 1938, 83 Min., finn. OV, engl. st

Set in Finland in the 1620s. Arvid and Brita were pushed into an arranged marriage as children. Fifteen years later, Arvid is a famous fencer and hasn’t seen his wife since their wedding day. In Turku, he falls for a nameless beauty. But she rebuffs him when he proposes marriage. Arvid nonetheless sends his manservant to convince Brita to grant him a divorce. But it turns out that Brita herself was the nameless beauty. To teach Arvid a lesson, she finds him in Sysmä after dressing a young man instead of an attractive woman, because “first I want him to like me as a person” … “The Man from Sysmä” does double duty as both a rom-com and a spirited swashbuckler set against Finland’s magnificent summer landscape. Shot a year before the Soviet-Finnish Winter War, the film is astoundingly liberal. The saucy interplay of the sexes is taken to the extreme when the bogus young man pretends to be a bogus young woman.

Director Valentin Vaala

Screenplay Nisse Hirn, Yrjö Kivimies, Orvo Saarikivi, nach dem Roman von Jalmari Finne

Producer Matti Schreck

Festival Contact

National Audiovisual Institute KAVI, Sörnäisten rantatie 25A PL 16, 00501 Helsinki, Mail:, Web:

Cast Olavi Reimas (Arvid Tandefelt), Sirkka Sari (Brita Ekestubbe/Adolf, "Aatu"), Vilho Auvinen (Haavuri-Kustaa), Kerttu Salmi (Johanna, "Hankku"), Uuno Laakso (Erik Stjernhök), Sven Relander (Axel Ringius)

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02.11.2022 19:45 Stadthalle Hall 4