
Māsas / Sisters

Young Audience, Latvia / Italy 2022, 104 Min., latv., engl. OV, engl. st, 14 years and older

Thirteen-year-old Anastasia’s image of her biological mother is as filled with longing as it is vague. She and her nine-year-old sister Diana live in a Latvian children’s home. The authorities have revoked their mother’s custody for neglecting her children. Now, a Christian American family wants to adopt both girls. For Diana, it sounds like a dream come true, but Anastasia is not the least bit interested. She dreams of finding her mother, whom she barely knows but nevertheless misses, and together becoming the family she’s always longed for. As chance would have it, she picks up the trail of her mother, who lives an erratic, unsteady life. Between institutional care, well-meaning intentions, and relatives who are no guarantee of security, Anastasia must find herself in order to find out where she can feel at home.

Director Linda Olte

Screenplay Linda Olte

Producer Matiss Kaza

Production Company

Trickster Pictures, Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 49, LV-1011 Riga

World Sales

True Colours Glorious Films srl, Largo Italo Gemini 1, 00161 Rom

Cast Emma Skirmante (Anastasija), Gerda Aljēna (Diana), Katrīna Krēsliņa (Julija), Iveta Pole (Alla), Elita Kļaviņa (Schuldirektorin)

Premiere Deutsche Premiere


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04.11.2022 13:45 Stadthalle Hall 2
06.11.2022 10:45 Stadthalle Hall 2