Cold Fever

Á köldum klaka / Cold Fever

Hommage, Iceland / Denmark / Germany / USA / Japan 1995, 83 Min., icel., engl., jap. OV, engl. st

“Does anyone know you are here?” Hirata sees this warning sign several times as he makes his way through icy landscapes and bizarre rock formations. The young Japanese man has come to Iceland to perform the traditional burial ceremony for his parents, who died here. “Cold Fever” is a road movie on foot, on horse, and in the ultimate road movie car – he lets himself be talked into buying a Citroën DS from a young woman who believes herself to be Hirata’s soulmate. Friðriksson explores his own homeland through the eyes of a stranger, and lets the camera take a back seat to fully capture Hirata’s wonder. Whether it’s an encounter with the world’s best liquorice, stewed sheep’s testicles, the devilish Black Death schnapps, or a young elf who shows him the way. Like in any good road movie, it’s not just about the physical journey. Hirata doesn’t get lost in these remote landscapes, he finds himself.

Director Friðrik Þór Friðriksson

Screenplay Jim Stark, Friðrik Þór Friðriksson

Producer Jim Stark, Georg Gund

Production Company

Icelandic Film Corporation, Bjarkargata 6, 101 Rejkjavik

Festival Contact

Icelandic Film Centre, Hverfisgata 54, 101 Reykjavik, Mail:, Web:

Cast Gísli Halldórsson (Siggi), Masatoshi Nagase (Hirata), Lili Taylor (Jill), Fisher Stevens (Jack), Laura Hughes (Laura)


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04.11.2022 10:45 Stadthalle Hall 2