

Immersion 360°, Sweden 2022, 7 Min., sami OV, engl. st

A young woman embarks on a journey into a dreamlike otherworld to discover that every tiny action we do in this world has a direct resonance in a myriad of other realms. In making “Ovias”, director Ann Holmgren Aurebekk worked with actors from the Sámi village where she grew up.

Director Ann Holmgren Aurebekk

Screenplay Ann Holmgren Aurebekk

Producer Andreas Emanuelsson, Tony Österholm

Production Company Iris Film, Mail: info@irisfilm.se, Web: www.irisfilm.se

Festival Contact

International Sámi Film InstituteGuoudageaidnu, Mail: info@isfi.no, Web: www.isf.as

Cast Elli Sara Valkeapää, Per Sundberg, Roberto N Peyre

Premiere Deutsche Premiere

Catalogue Page PDF-Download


03.11.2022 20:30 InfinityDome
04.11.2022 16:30 InfinityDome
05.11.2022 18:45 InfinityDome
06.11.2022 16:15 InfinityDome