
Eadni / Mother

Immersion 360°, Norway , 8 Min.

The Háldi is a forest creature from Sámi mythology who, it is said, may lure children into the woods. Is it only a legend or is it as real as you and I? When the director was a child, her aunt used to tell her the story of the Háldi as if were a true tale, which provided the inspiration for this film.

Director Liselotte Wajstedt

Festival Contact

International Sámi Film InstituteGuoudageaidnu, Mail:, Web:

Catalogue Page PDF-Download


03.11.2022 20:30 InfinityDome
04.11.2022 16:30 InfinityDome
05.11.2022 18:45 InfinityDome
06.11.2022 16:15 InfinityDome