Growth of the Soil – Silent film screening with music

Segen der Erde – Stummfilmvorführung mit Musik / Growth of the Soil – Silent film screening with music


Events / Retrospektive

Growth of the Soil – Silent film screening with music

Danish director Gunnar Sommerfeldt virtually founded Norwegian cinematography with this lavish silent film about modernism coming to Norway’s uplands.
Students of the IKN module (improvisation, composition, new media) at the Lübeck Academy of Music, working under the leadership of Professor Franz Danksagmüller, composed a piece for cello, piano, organ, and voice, with some of the recordings being modified or combined with electronic sounds. Individual characters, scenes, or motifs were associated with specific music and sounds, and the corresponding track laid down, so that they seem almost original, as if this silent classic were actually in parts a “talkie”.

Markens Grøde/Growth of the Soil
Norway 1921, 90 min.
Original version with German subtitles
Directed by Gunnar Sommerfeldt

Nov. 7, 2024 7:15 pm

Mühlenbrücke 11
23552 Lübeck

Tickets: 15,00 €/ 7,50 € discounted
A ticket to the film also provides free admission to a tour of the exhibition “Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain. Fever Dreams and High-altitude Intoxication” at St. Annen-Museum, with the curator and director of Budenbrook House, Dr Caren Heuer.


07.11.2024 19:15 CineStar 4