Was soll ich sehen / What Should I See
Filmforum, Germany 2024, 45 Min., ger. OV, engl. st
The world has forgotten the artist Jan Willmes. By now well advanced in years, he lives in an affluent suburb in a house full of pictures and collages. Stopping is not an option, but archiving is. He looks back upon his paintings, his work, his life. A film about growing old, the power of art, and the consequence of following your own path.
Director Jan-Christoph Schultchen
Producer Jan-Christoph Schultchen
Production Company
f+f Jan-Christoph Schultchen, Obere Bahnstrasse 20, 21465 Wentorf bei Hamburg, Mail: moin@jan-schultchen.de, Web: jan-schultchen.de
Cast Jan Willmes, Almut Willmes
Premiere Weltpremiere
Catalogue Page PDF-Download
08.11.2024 | 13:15 | Stadthalle | Hall 7 |