Green Gold

Vihreä kulta / Green Gold / Grünes Gold

Retrospektive, Finland 1939, 86 Min., finn. OV, engl. st

The $Green Gold% of the title is the forests of northern Finland, whose wood is exported all over the world. It is also the home country of Kristine, the wife of a timber company executive. The young woman is not happy in Helsinki and yearns for her snowy homeland. When she accompanies her husband on an inspection tour, she meets his new forester Suontaa. During sleigh rides and nights in rustic huts, the two fall in love. But Suontaa is married and has two children, so Kristine resists his romantic overtures. But their love burns as bright as a Swedish torch in a snowdrift... $Green Gold% is at heart a love story. But with the counterpoint of protagonists rooted in country and commerce, the film also addresses the conflict between ecology and economy. Hanna Taini, the grand dame of Finnish cinema of the 1930s, convincingly embodies a film heroine, who is as adept at nature conservation as she is at what Bertrand Russell described in his social analysis $Power%.

Director Valentin Vaala

Screenplay Valentin Vaala, Ossi Elstelä, nach dem Bühnenstück von Juhani Tervapää (Hella Wuolijoki)

Producer Risto Orko

Festival Contact

National Audiovisual Institute KAVI, Sörnäisten rantatie 25A PL 16, 00501 Helsinki, Mail:, Web:

Cast Hanna Taini (Kristine Bergman), Olavi Reimas (Suontaa), Sven Relander (Gustav Bergman), Lea Joutseno (Frau Suontaa), Aino Lohikoski (Frau Sarma), Topo Leistelä (Förster Klickman), Eero Leväluoma (Ingenieur Sarma), Kosti Aaltonen (Vorarbeiter Virkkula)

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07.11.2024 16:15 CineStar 4 Hall 4