Dead Mountaineer’s Hotel

“Hukkunud Alpinisti” hotell / Dead Mountaineer’s Hotel / Hotel „Zum verunglückten Alpinisten“

Retrospektive, Estonia 1979, 80 Min., eston. OV, engl. st

An anonymous call summons police inspector Peter Glebsky to the Dead Mountaineer’s hotel. At first glance, the emergency call appears to have been a false alarm. Only after Glebsky has spent a night in the hotel and an avalanche prevents him from leaving do events overtake him. One hotel guest is murdered, another tied up, and a third found frozen to death. His investigation leads the inspector well beyond the threshold of the rational... Set in a nostalgic art deco hotel amid a group of oddball guests, the film conjures up a quaint $Magic Mountain% atmosphere. But the detective story slowly devolves into a surrealistic farce, as the film noir segues into science fiction. Shot in the Kazakh ski resort Shymbulak and based on a novel by Russians Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, who also wrote the screenplay, the film is a psychedelic classic of the fantasy film genre. Like Andrei Tarkovsky’s film of the Strugatskys’ $Stalker%, this Estonian production bursts all the conventional orthodoxies of Soviet cinematography.

Director Grigori Kromanov

Screenplay Arkadi Strugazki, Boris Strugazki, nach ihrem Roman

Festival Contact Estonian Film Institute - Eesti Filmi Instituut, Uus 3, 10111 Tallinn, Mail:, Web:

Cast Uldis Pūcītis (Inspektor Peter Glebski), Jüri Järvet (Alex Snewahr), Lembit Peterson (Simon Simonet), Mikk Mikiver (Hinckus), Kārlis Sebris (Herr Moses), Irena Kriauzaitė (Frau Moses), Sulev Luik (Luarvik), Tiit Härm (Olaf Andvarafors)

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08.11.2024 22:15 CineStar 4 Hall 4