Bei Licht betrachtet – Ein Film übers Sehen und Gesehen werden

Bei Licht betrachtet – Ein Film übers Sehen und Gesehen werden

Filmforum, Germany 2022, 29 Min.

Five years ago, Ingmar Licht began buying up book collections. Prior to that, a lot had gone wrong in his life – alcohol, insolvency, unemployment. Then he collected deposit bottles, bought a computer with his earnings, and started selling books. He has a notable passion for the shopping lists, photos, letters, and so forth used as bookmarks and then forgotten in the books by the former owners.

Director Dörte Nielsen, Lessa Räbiger

Producer Dörte Nielsen

Cast Ingmar Licht, Rosemarie Krützfeldt

Premiere Weltpremiere

Catalogue Page PDF-Download


05.11.2022 13:00 Kino Koki