Lübeck hoch 3: Labor für Immersive Medien und Digitale Kreation / Lübeck hoch 3: Lab for Immersive Media and Digital Creation / Lübeck hoch 3: Lab for Immersive Media and Digital Creation
Events & Cooperations
Over the past year at the Lab for Immersive Media, students of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Lübeck have once again produced impressive short films. Some of them have been set to music by Lübeck Academy of Music students. The audience gets an insight into diverse immersive storytelling and production techniques, as well as the course of studies for the information technology and design degree.
Lübeck hoch 3 is a joint project under the aegis of the city’s universities, aimed at opening a dialogue with residents. This presentation comes from the Labor für Immersive Medien of Lübeck’s technical university and the chair for digital creation at Lübeck’s music college.
Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023, 10:00–12:00 pm
InfinityDome, Klingenberg, 23552 Lübeck
Admission is free. Seats according to availability.
No screenings are scheduled for this film.