Geschichten von Jakob / Stories of Jacob
Filmforum, Germany 2023, 12 Min., chin. OV, ger. st
From afar, Perghuzat Enver reflects on his upbringing in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China. The film is about belonging, friendship, and freedom in an increasingly repressive system. Using delicately-drawn animation and poetic pictures, the film illustrates the search for his own identity, and the inner conflicts that leaving your homeland triggers.
Director Perghuzat Enver
Producer Perghuzat Enver
Production Company
HfBK - Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, Lerchenfeld 2, 22081 Hamburg, Mail: presse@hfbk.hamburg.de, Web: www.hfbk-hamburg.de
Cast Perghuzat Enver (Jakob)
Premiere keine Premiere
Catalogue Page PDF-Download
02.11.2023 | 22:15 | Stadthalle | Hall 7 |