Filmforum, Germany 2023, 7 Min., no dialogue
“This place is a pub; this place is a bar.” On the edge of the desolate shopping centre called Superbuhei there's an equally desolate pub. The silent regulars sit at the bar with beers and smokes. The barkeeper wordlessly serves another schnapps. Suddenly, a dubious figure approaches from across the street. Loosely based on Sven Amtsberg's debut novel by the same name.
Director Josef Brandl
Screenplay Josef Brandl
Producer Rike Steyer
Production Company
Skalar Film GmbH, Große Bahnstr. 33 (4.Og), 22525 Hamburg, Mail: info@skalarfilm.de, Web: www.skalarfilm.de
Cast Oliver Korittke (Jesse/Aaron), Susanne Bredehöft (Frauke), Milton Welsh (Klaus), Hans-Jürgen Alf (Buttke)
Premiere keine Premiere
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03.11.2023 | 16:15 | Stadthalle | Hall 7 |