*(In)visible Night

*(In)visible Night

Filmforum, Germany 2022, 12 Min., ger. OV, engl. st

What does it mean to be seen? Three young people drift like ghosts through the dusk, trying to break out of invisibility. But if nobody sees me, if I do not see myself, am I there? A collective exploration of thoughts and feelings, desires, constraints, and expectations. An experiment in self-empowerment.

Director Iwidobo Kollektiv: Naomi Kelechi Odhiambo, Maximilian Mundt, Jasmin Luu

Screenplay Iwidobo Kollektiv

Producer Lea-Liya Wang

Cast Naomi Kelechi Odhiambo (N), Jasmin Luu (J), Maximilian Mundt (M)

Premiere keine Premiere

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03.11.2023 16:15 Stadthalle Hall 7