Dom kallar oss mods / They Call Us Misfits / Sie nennen uns Mods
Retrospektive, Sweden 1968, 100 Min., sw. OV, engl. st
Known in Sweden as mods, these are young people without a steady job; drop-outs, and losers in conflict with the values and pressures of consumer society, refuseniks expressing their rebellion by letting their hair grow and indulging publicly in drug and alcohol abuse. Stefan Jarl and Jan Lindqvist broke new ground in Sweden with this semi-documentary portrait of those young outsiders, focusing on friends Stoffe and Kenta. What was unusual about the film at the time was not only that it was shot almost entirely on the streets of Stockholm, but also that the directors were completely non-judgmental. Instead of commenting on the behaviour of these young people, they let them speak for themselves. Scenes showing the daily life of Stoffe and Kenta alternate with shots of other members of their clique talking about their experiences, hopes, and dreams.
Director Stefan Jarl, Jan Lindqvist
Screenplay Jan Lindqvist, Stefan Jarl
Producer Jan Lindqvist, Stefan Jarl
Festival Contact Swedish Film Institute, Borgvaegen 1-5, 10525 Stockholm, Mail: registrator@sfi.se, Web: www.sfi.se
Cast Kenneth „Kenta“ Gustafsson, Gustav „Stoffe“ Svensson, Jan „Jajje“ Klingryd
Premiere keine Premiere
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03.11.2023 | 13:15 | Stadthalle | Hall 4 |