A Sentimental Short Story

Sentimentaalne novell / A Sentimental Short Story

Retrospektive, Estonia 1966, 11 Min., est. OV, engl. st

When a young couple’s relationship seems to be chilling down, she requests a sign of his love, preferably in the form of a pearl necklace. But the salutary effect the gift has on them both does not last long.

Director Peeter Tooming

Screenplay Kalju Kommissarov, Peeter Tooming, Enn Säde, nach einer Kurzgeschichte von Lilli Promet

Producer Peeter Tooming

Festival Contact National Archives of Estonia Film Archives, Ristiku 84, 10318 Tallinn, Mail: filmiarhiiv@ra.ee, Web: https://www.ra.ee/en/

Cast Katrin Karismaa, Andres Ots

Premiere keine Premiere

Catalogue Page PDF-Download


03.11.2023 16:15 Stadthalle Hall 4
04.11.2023 16:15 Stadthalle Hall 4