

Young Audience, Norway 2023, 12 Min., norw. OV, engl. st, 14 years and older

An afternoon at the beach with friends, drinking and flirting. Among them is Iben, who is intent on proving her self-confidence. When a dare takes unexpected turn, small gestures suddenly take on significance, enabling a new beginning.

Director Eivind Landsvik

Screenplay Eivind Landsvik

Producer Lars Ulrik Wold

Production Company

Einar Film, Rosenborggata 19b, 0356 Oslo, Mail: einar@einarfilm.no, Web: https://einarfilm.no

World Sales

Salaud Morisset c/o Red Eye Fx, Wichertstr. 21, 10439 Berlin, Web: salaudmorisset.com

Cast Marie Bya (Iben), Snorre Kind Monsson (Oscar), Tharshana Manoharan (Jasmine)


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02.11.2023 16:45 Stadthalle Hall 2
05.11.2023 19:15 Stadthalle Hall 1