

Series, Norway / Germany 2021, 2 x 45 Min., norw., ger., engl. OV, engl. st

Asgeir feels safe in the far north of Norway. Here, with a new identity as a small-town police officer, he hopes to leave behind his past as an undercover investigator and his involvement with the Russian mafia. Asgeir has been through a lot—he lost his wife during an unsuccessful police operation and since then, the Russians have had a bounty on his head. Now, together with his daughter, he’s doing everything he can to settle into his new home. On his first case in this new role, he is plunged into the machinations of a radical right-wing gang in this small town. What initially seems to be random xenophobic graffiti soon turns out to be much better organised than that. During his investigations, Asgeir comes across Ragna, who is planning a very secret and personal vendetta. In the face of right-wing extremists massing in the surrounding forests, memories of the traumatic attack at Utøya come to mind.

Series Creator Gjermund S. Eriksen

Director Magnus Martens, Lars Kraume

Screenplay Gjermund S. Eriksen

Producer Lasse Greve Alsos

Production Company Monster Scripted AS, Mølleparken 2, 0459 Oslo, Mail: post@monstermail.no, Web: www.monstersite.no; X Filme Creative Pool GmbH, Kurfürstenstr. 57, 10785 Berlin, Mail: info@x-filme.de, Web: www.x-filme.de

World Sales Keshet International, 12 Raul Valenberg Street, 697 19 10 Tel Aviv, Web: www.keshetinternational.com

Cast Ine Marie Wilmann (Ragna), Pål Sverre Hagen (Asgeir)

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