
BrimBrím - Die Strömung / Undercurrent

Retrospective, Iceland / Polen 2010, 95 Min., icel. OV, engl. st

Jón Geir is dead, unable to survive the latest fishing trip on the Reykjavik-based trawler RE 29. Against his better judgement, skipper Anton replaces him with his niece Drífa. He warns her that life aboard the ship, which is in desperate need of an overhaul, “is hell on earth”. Drífa soon realizes that seasickness will be the least of her worries on this trip through rough seas and strong gales. Below deck, the trawler is a labyrinth, filled with men whose emotional upheaval echoes the sea outside. The ship seems to sail under an unlucky star, as if Jón Geir's ghost walks the decks like a ship's kobold … Director Árni Ólafur Ásgeirsson adapted the stage play "Undercurrent", much celebrated in Iceland, for this psychological drama set almost entirely within the confines of a ship. The dead-on character development, and the confident use of the forces of nature as a backdrop make this film a breathtakingly nightmarish trip of unfathomed depth.

Director Árni Ólafur Ásgeirsson

Screenplay Ottó G. Borg, Árni Ólafur Ásgeirsson, Vesturport

Producer Skuli Fr. Malmquist, Thor S. Sigurjónsson, Grímar Jónsson, Gísli Garðarsson

Production Company Zik Zak Filmworks, Fiskisód 45m, 101 Reykjavík, Mail:, Web:

Festival Contact Icelandic Film Centre, Hverfisgata 54, 101 Reykjavik, Mail:, Web:

Cast Ingvar E. Sigurðsson (Anton), Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir (Drífa), Gísli Örn Garðarsson (Benni), Ólafur Egilsson (Kiddi), Ólafur Darri Ólafsson (Sævar), Björn Hlynur Haraldsson (Logi), Víkingur Kristjánsson (Jón Geir)


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