
VeðrabrigðiWetterwechsel / We Are Still Here

Retrospective, Iceland / Germany / Poland 2015, 81 Min., icel., pol. OV, engl. st

Flateyri in the Westfjord Islands was originally settled because of its access to bountiful fishing grounds. Today, the village is in crisis. It began in 1990, when the trading of catch quotas was approved. Many of the fishermen sold their quotas to the highest bidder; companies bought them up and grew their business. Soon Kambur was the principal player in the industry and it created jobs. But the euphoria was followed by a recession and one day in 2007, the company announced that it had sold all its boats and quotas. Almost half of the town residents – 120 people – lost their jobs and access to the fishing zones was more or less barred. In the film, Flateyri’s residents talk about the changes in the town and the attempt to remain a fishing village, despite the lack of catch quotas, and not to admit defeat in the face of the superiority of economic forces.

Director Ásdís Thoroddsen

Screenplay Ásdis Thoroddsen

Producer Hjálmtýr Heiðdal, Heather Millard

Production Company Seylan Film Production, Grettisgata 18, 101 Reykjavík, Mail:, Web:

World Sales Spier Films Iceland, Fiskislod 75, 101 Reykjavik, Mail:, Web:

Festival Contact Icelandic Film Centre, Hverfisgata 54, 101 Reykjavik, Mail:, Web:

Cast Jóhanna Guðrún Kristjánsdóttir, Stanisław Kordek, Janina Magdalena Kryszewska, Önundur Hafsteinn Pálsson, Bryndís Sigurðardóttir, Sigurður H. Garðarsson, Guðrún Pálsdóttir, Einar Guðbjartsson, Birkir Einarsson, Steinunn G. Einarsdóttir


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