Der Schatten des Meeres

Der Schatten des MeeresThe Sea’s Shadow

Retrospective, Germany 1912, 38 Min., silent, ger. it

Fisherman Sven rescues vacationer Evelyne from the water. She thinks of him constantly and he, too, has trouble forgetting the sophisticated woman. But she doesn’t want to cause a problem for the man and his fiancée, so she leaves. When Sven learns of her departure, he becomes despondent … Seen from the perspective of an urbane city-dwelling woman on holiday, the film constructs a deceptively idyllic picture of fishing life that is destroyed by erotic desires. “[Producer] Messter has illustrated the East Frisian myth of the sea spectre, trying to realistically depict the folk legend with all its gruesome whimsy. Unlocking the mystical raises this film far above the usual, foul run-of-the-mill dramas.” (Lichtbild-Theater, 50/1912) The images of the waves, the rocky beach, the dunes, and the fishermen’s cottages were shot on Sweden’s Kullen peninsula. – With live musical accompaniment.

Director Curt A. Stark

Screenplay Curt A. Stark, nach der ostfriesischen Legende „Der Gonger“

Producer Oskar Messter

Festival Contact Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Potsdamer Str.2, 10785 Berlin, Mail:, Web:

Cast Henny Porten (Evelyne), Curt A. Stark (Fischer Sven), Lizzy Krüger (Svens Verlobte Inge), Nella Retzlag (Svens Mutter)

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