Mon de kommer om natten?

Mon de kommer om natten?Kommen sie heute Nacht? / The Wait

Competition Documentaries, Denmark 2016, 61 Min., dan., dari OV, engl. st, FSK 12

Rokshar is popular in school and plays football at the local club. She talks to her girlfriends about boys, and watches “The Hunger Games”. This film would, in fact, be documenting the life of a completely normal teenager – if it weren’t for the endless phone calls to the immigration authorities that we hear on the soundtrack, and the documentary footage of Rokshar’s homeland, Afghanistan. After her brother was killed by the Taliban, her parents fled to Denmark with their remaining children. But their application for asylum has been denied several times. Rokshar, the only member of the family who speaks Danish well, would move heaven and earth to prevent the family’s deportation. In a calm, concentrated rhythm, the film shows the responsibility that rests on her shoulders, and what it means to live in uncertainty. It puts a face to the devastating impact of European refugee policies.

Director Emil Langballe

Producer Helle Faber


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