Der är en dag imorgon också

Der är en dag imorgon ocksåMorgen ist auch noch ein Tag / Tomorrow's Another Day

Retrospective, Sweden 2011, 90 Min.

This documentary follows the entire creative process of “You, the Living”, from the first vague idea in 2003 to the film’s premiere in Cannes in 2007. We see a portrait of the director that ranges from his routine office work to the shooting of individual scenes in his small, private Stockholm studio. We also take a side trip with Andersson to the Berlin Film Festival, where he tries to secure European funding for the film project. We see the complicated production process of the intricate scenes for “You, the Living” with constructed models. Yet this film by von Johan Carlsson und Pehr Arte is much more than a standard “making of” documentary. It shines a light not only on the filmmaker, but also the person, Roy Andersson. We see the great importance he placed on social interaction during the creative process with his well-organized team of loyal colleagues.

Director Pehr Arte, Johan Carlsson

Screenplay Johan Carlsson



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No screenings are available for this film.