I Am Kuba

I Am KubaMama arbeitet im Westen - Eine Kindheit in Polen

Competition Documentaries, Norway / Poland / Germany 2014, 58 Min., engl. ST

The first thing 12-year-old Kuba does when he wakes up in the morning is try to get his 8-year-old brother Miko aj to eat a good breakfast. But Miko aj doesn’t feel like eating, and he certainly doesn’t feel like letting Kuba tell him what to do. He can just eat crisps if he likes. The two boys live alone in an apartment in a small city in Poland. The family business went bankrupt and after the divorce, the only work their father could find was in Scotland. Their mother can only earn the money they need so badly as a cleaning woman in Austria. Kuba is suddenly responsible for raising his brother. He has to make sure his brother does what he’s supposed to, and doesn’t do anything that might make the teachers at school suspicious. But Kuba is also a teenager who wants to hang out with his friends and just vent his complaints sometimes without having to meet anyone’s expectations.

Director Åse Svenheim Drivenes

Screenplay Åse Svenheim Drivenes

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