

Competition Documentaries, Iceland / Sweden / Spain 2014, 58 Min., swed. OV

She sits smoking behind a curtain of taut threads, into which she slowly weaves complicated patterns. Salomé Fannberg is a master of the traditional art of tapestry weaving, and in her native Iceland she has been well known for her decorative tapestries since the 1970s. Salomé is also a mother; she raised six children from four different fathers. Her oldest daughter has made a film about her mother, now living alone and suffering from dementia. The headstrong protagonist seems to boycott the filming wherever she can. She refuses to talk about her illness, she hurls insults and she doubts her daughter’s aesthetic judgement. Her reaction to all questions is angry obstinacy. At the same time, she never stops talking and justifying herself, and she uses every opportunity the camera gives her for self-representation.

Director Yrsa Roca Fannberg

Screenplay Yrsa Roca Fannberg


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