No Ideas But in Things – The Composer Alvin Lucier

No Ideas But in Things – The Composer Alvin Lucier

Filmforum, Germany 2012, 97 Min.

The American composer Alvin Lucier, born in 1931, is an experimental music pioneer. As one of the founding members of the Sonic Arts Union composers' collective (1966–76), he was one of the earliest artists to perform live electronic music. He then went on to develop compositions and installations dedicated to such sound phenomena as resonance, echos and interferences. In his approach of natural acoustic phenomena and their immanent expressivity, Lucier often uses non-artistic methods, borrowed, for instance, from natural science. “Don't ask me what I mean, ask me what I made.” In accordance with this motto, the film accompanies Alvin Lucier on concert tours to Den Haag and Zug (Switzerland), allowing him to explain and comment on his work. The film encompasses a time span from his early performances in the 60s and 70s to the world premiere of his latest ensemble piece “Panorama 2” in 2011.

Director Viola Rusche, Hauke Harder

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