
HúsiðSchatten aus dem Jenseits / The House

Retrospective, Iceland 1983, 101 Min.

A young couple in search of a flat: Peter is a composer and musician, Björg teaches deaf-mute children. They are overjoyed when offered to rent a vacant house. But the idyllic appearance is deceptive. At night, Björg is plagued by unsettling dreams full of haunting figures that seem somehow connected to the history of the house and its tenants. What is the nature of the family secret hidden in these walls? When Peter spends some time on a scholarship in Vienna, the pressure on Björg becomes unbearable: “The house is full of people ...” Director Egill Edvardsson has transposed the popular Hollywood “haunted house” theme to 1980s Reykjavik. He artfully interweaves the various levels of perception in seemingly harmonious soft-focus images that are increasingly permeated by a sense of anxiety - mirrored in the use of classical film music interspersed with atonal sounds.

Director Egill Eðvarðsson

Screenplay Björn Björnsson, Egill Eðvarðsson, Snorri Þórisson

Cast Borgar Garðarsson (Peter), Helgi Skúlason (Björg), Jóhann Sigurðarson, Lilja Þórisdóttir, Róbert Arnfinnsson, Árni Tryggvason, Þóra Borg

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