Baráttan um landi

Baráttan um landiDer Kampf um Land / Silent Voices

Competition Documentaries, Iceland 2012, 62 Min.

“Silent Voices” tells tales of a landscape in which nature and a rural way of life have been made to suffer under the consequences of gaining energy for heavy industry. The director makes effective use of the experiences and accounts of those people who live here and experience the immense “consumption of nature” first hand - they are people who love and respect the endangered countryside. They have great concern for Iceland's unique nature, which is imperilled by the building of hydro-electric dams and other power station projects. Throughout the past decades, the development of heavy industry has been granted vast areas of land as it is: About 80% of all the electricity produced in Iceland goes directly to multinational enterprises. The construction of 84 further power stations is currently planned in Iceland.

Director Helena Stefánsdóttir

Screenplay Helena Stefánsdóttir

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