LailaLaila, die Tochter des Nordens

Retrospective, Norway 1929, 160 Min.


When Laila was a baby, the Sami Aslak found her half-frozen in the snow desert. Her parents, settlers in the high north, had fallen prey to a pack of hungry wolves. Laila grows up amongst reindeer breeders, and is loved dearly by her foster parents, who think of her as the daughter they could never have. Laila has no idea that Aslak and his wife are not her biological parents. Troubles begin when Aslak decides on who may marry Laila - it is to be Mellet, a Sami owner of a considerable herd of reindeer. But Laila feels inexplicably drawn towards the world of the settlers, especially to the young tradesman Lind. The conflict escalates when jealosy drives Mellet to the attempted murder of his rival. A melodrama full of big emotions, embedded in the snowy landscapes of Lapland, which the film critic Hans Feld commented on in in 1930 in "Film-Kurier": "Events on the fringes of Norway, where things turn to snow and ice. Distant to Central Europeans, not only in terms of geography, yet moving none the less. (...) One gladly cherishes the magical landscapes."

Director George Schnéevoigt

Screenplay George Schnéevoigt, nach dem Roman von Jens Andreas Friis

Cast Mona Martenson (Laila), Tryggve Larssen (Jåmpa), Harald Schwenzen (Anders), Peter Malberg (Aslag Laagje), Cally Monrad (Mutter Laagje), Henry Gleditsch (Mellet), Finn Bernhoft (C. O. Lind, Händler), Lilly Larson-Lund (seine Frau), Ibe Brekke (Magga, Dienstmädchen bei Lind), Aslag Aslagsen Sara (Lasse, ein Diener), Rasmus Christiansen (Linds Bruder), Alice O'Fredericks (Inger), Mattis Morotaja (Melet als kleiner Junge)

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