Det gode livDas gute Leben / The Good Life

Competition Documentaries, Denmark 2010, 87 Min., English subtitles

Det gode liv

Being the daughter of a millionaire, Anne Mette had been living the big life since her early childhood: She never needed to work, as the family capital provided for a life of luxury in Paris, and later a villa on the coast of Portugal. But then the Carnation Revolution in 1970s Portugal marked the onset of the steady decline of the family's assets. Today, Anne Mette and her mother live in a run-down flat and must make ends meet on two euros a day. Nevertheless she is unable to set aside her class mentality: "I would sooner die than work!" is Anne Mette's life motto - until one day she successfully overcomes her qualms and visits the job centre. Over the course of several years, director Eva Mulvad has successfully created an intimate portrait of a family whose personal circumstances have turned into their very opposite. What seems bizarre to begin with, soon develops into the portrait of a woman whom an abundance of wealth has rendered unable to cope with life. At the same time, "The Good Life" mirrors society's fears of social decline in the global age.

Director Eva Mulvad


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