KronprinsenDer Kronprinz / The Crown Prince

Special, Norway 1979, 95 Min.


As a young man, Roar comes to Oslo to finish his studies. When he joins a political youth organization, he soon rises to become their chairman after his predecessor refused to join NATO. Ultimately, Roar discovers that his party is financed by the US-American CIA. As Roar tries to get to the bottom of this, he must decide between his loyalty to the party and honesty. Pål Bang-Hansen's most famous film is based on the biography of the Norwegian politician Ola Teigen, who became the shooting star of the Norwegian AUF party and later committed suicide as the entaglements with the American secret service became utterly unmanageable. Without exploiting the all-too sensational aspects of the case, Bang-Hansen tries to maintain a down-to-earth and balanced view of things that nevertheless remain utterly enthralling. For the actor Bjørn Sundquist, "The Crown Prince" marked the beginning of a successful career in Norwegian film.

Director Pål Bang-Hansen

Screenplay Pål Bang-Hansen, nach Bjørn Gunnar Olsens Roman „Torgprinsen“

Cast Bjørn Sundquist (Roar), Reidun Nortvedt (Tove), Trini Lund (Bente), Bjørn Floberg (Erik), Hallvard Lydvo (Reidar), Erik Lie, Trond Brænne, Elisabeth Sand, Sverre Anker Ousdal, Arne Aas, Tom Tellefsen, Torgeir Fonnlid, Rannoy Nilsen, Per Jansen, Thom Bastholm, Unn Vibeke Hol, Trond Lie, Lars Brunborg, Lars Jacob Krogh

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