Die Kinder von BlankeneseThe Children of Blankenese

Filmforum, Germany 2010, 89 Min., German version

Die Kinder von Blankenese

Tamar, Josef, Bracha and Wolfgang survived the persecution, the camps. May 1945. The children have no idea as to their parents' whereabouts. They themselves live in the former concentration camp Bergen-Belsen beside English soldiers and psychologically broken camp inmates. Finally they are put up in the villa of the Jewish Warburg family in Hamburg-Blankenese. From hell to paradise. But the anti-semitism in post-war Germany catches up with the children and their minders as they encounter hostility in the zoo and are ignored in the local hospital. The children impatiently await their voyage to their new home in Palestine. But the path seems obstructed: the British allies appear to be blocking it. Director Raymond Ley has found the survivng children across the globe and has interviewed them for the film. Their memories are very vivid despite the long time that has passed and are re-enacted by actors.

Director Raymond Ley

Screenplay Raymond Ley

Cast Harald Schrott (Ben Yehuda), Alice Dwyer (Betty Adler), Jennifer Ulrich (Reuma Weizmann), Marie Gruber (Berta Reher), Hannah Schröder (Rahel Tschinsky), Janek Rieke (Eric Warburg), Rosa Lenz (Tamar), Luzie Ahrens (Mascha), Willi Gerk (Ziggy), Neel Fehler (Siegmar), Alexander Kalodikis (Josef)

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