Sisko tahtoisin jäädäRun Sister Run!

Films for young viewers, Finland 2010, 104 Min., English subtitles, 14 years and older

Sisko tahtoisin jäädä

When Emilia and Siiri jump from the 10-metre tower, it signifies the plunge into a whole new life for Emilia: She will spend her first night in a police station. Emilia and Siiri met up there for the first time that night, and from now on nothing can separate them. Until then, Emilia had lived the life of a sheltered "princess", taking loving care of her little sister and divorced father. But now she rebels, insults her father's girlfriend, stays out at night, goes on a drunken cruise despite being told not to, and even severely beats up an old man ... "Run Sister Run!" tells the story of the turbulent friendship between two girls. Especially as Emilia and Siiri keep testing new boundaries and take wrong paths, director Marja Pyykö succeeds in presenting a touching portrait of her absolutely authentic protagonists. "My goal is to capture the feeling of being young in today's world. To show how it feels when you have to run because walking doesn't take you there fast enough, when instead of speaking you just have to shout."

Director Marja Pyykkö

Screenplay Laura Suhonen, Marja Pyykkö

Cast Ada Kukkonen (Emilia), Sara Melleri (Siiri), Anna-Leena Uotila (Elsa), Seppo Pääkkönen (Juhani), Heikki Nousiainen (Pentti), Santeri Kinnunen (Esa), Kristiina Halttu (Tuula), Samuli Niittymäki (Tommi)

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