Anita – ur en tonårsflickas dagbokDas Schwedenmädchen Anita / Anita, Swedish Nymphet

Retrospective, Sweden 1973, 95 Min., English subtitles, FSK 18

Anita – ur en tonårsflickas dagbok

Anita is 17 and addicted to sex. The fact that her sex life has self-destructive traits may have something to do with her parents, who neglect the young girl emotionally. Anita keeps getting involved with strangers, whom she is as contemptuous of as she is of herself – she considers herself "worthless". Then she meets Erik by coincidence, a music and psychology student. Fascinated by the young, perturbed girl, he immediately sets his mind to curing her with his sincere affections ... Jimi Hendrix on the walls and classical music in the ears: The film is as contradictory as its soundtrack. On the one hand a coherent contemporary document, on the other a transparent colportage, "Anita, Swedish Nymphet" presents superficial clichés, yet a broken character as the title role. Christina Lindberg gives a captivating performance as Anita, self-confident yet in need of protection, and the young Stellan Skarsgård is an absolutely worthy partner.

Director Torgny Wickman

Screenplay Torgny Wickman

Cast Christina Lindberg (Anita), Stellan Skarsgård (Erik), Danièle Vlaminck (Mutter), Michel David (Vater), Per Mattsson (Künstler), Ewert Granholm (Glasier), Arne Ragneborn (Mann in der Bücherei), Jörgen Barwe (Prof. Lundbaeck), Ericka Wickman (Anitas Zwillingsschwester), Berit Agedal (Lesbische Sozialarbeiterin), Jan-Olof Rydqvist (Lehrer), Thore Segelström (Lehrer), Lasse Lundberg (Mann im Bahnhof)

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