Punk Royal – Et brand på røvenPunk Royal / Punk Royal – A Brand on the Arse

Competition Documentaries, Denmark 2006, 58 Min., English subtitles

Punk Royal – Et brand på røven

In the beginning there was punk. When three young people from Copenhagen founded their own fashion label in August 2001, they sought inspiration from the Sex Pistols and Vivienne Westwood. But what began as a little outsider-collective soon became more than an insider tip. Within a short period the old, enhanced army clothes bearing the ‘Punk Royal’ label had become extremely fashionable – not just in Denmark. When even Kylie Minogue started performing in ‘Punk Royal’ outfits, the international breakthrough had been made. Almost overnight the young trendsetters had to meet the demands of 100 boutiques in Scandinavia and supply agents all over Europe. Two young filmmakers accompanied this astounding success story from the very beginning, recording everything on video. The protagonists make their way from a backyard in Copenhagen to the fashion Mecca of New York – but commercial success has its price. And not all of the three are prepared to pay it …

Director Robin Schmidt, Niels David Rønsholdt

Screenplay Robin Schmidt

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